Twisted Higgs Phenomenology at Hadron Colliders |
Michel Herquet, Université Catholique de Louvain
A High Resolution TOF Counter - A Way To Compete With A RICH Detector? |
Jerry Va'vra, SLAC
Z Cross Section at D0 |
Heidi Schellman, Northwestern University
The Cockcroft Institute in the UK and Emerging Accelerator Initiatives |
Swapan Chattopadhyay, Cockroft Institute
ATLAS Update |
Jim Pilcher, University of Chicago
Pseudo Chern-Simons Terms in the Standard Model and the MiniBoone Excess |
Jeff Harvey, University of Chicago
100 Picosecond TDC's |
Yau Wah, University of Chicago
A Measurement of the Top Quark Width |
Jahred Adelman, University of Chicago
Top Compositeness at the Tevatron and LHC |
Jing Shu, University of Chicago
A Charged Higgs Study in ATLAS |
Andre Sopczak, University of Lancaster
Global Search for New Physics at CDF |
Georgios Choudalakis, MIT
Results on Mixing, Delta Gamma_s and Related CP Violation in the B_s Meson System at D0 |
Dmitri Tsybychev, SUNY Stony Brook
The QUIET Experiment for CMB Polarization Measurement |
Akito Kusaka, University of Chicago
The Search for the SM Higgs Boson at D0 |
Andrew Haas, Columbia University
Very Long Baseline Neutrino Experiments |
Mark Dierckxsens, University of Chicago
Gamma to milli-eV Particle Search |
William Wester, Fermilab
Signatures of a Higgs Decaying Into Two Scalars at Hadron Colliders |
Carlos Wagner, University of Chicago
Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions |
Kathy-Anne Brickman, University of Chicago
The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter and Using it to do Physics with Electrons and Photons |
Colin Jessop, University of Notre Dame
Phenomenology of the Standard Model in Six Dimensions |
Ayres Freitas, University of Pittsburgh
Top Quark and SM Higgs Masses |
Nikolaos Giokaris, University of Athens
DR21 Main: A Collapsing Cloud |
Larry Kirby, University of Chicago
Search for the Standard Model Higgs with H->tau tau at CDF |
Kohei Yorita, University of Chicago
Granular Jets as a Classical Analog of RHIC Collisions |
Xiang Cheng, University of Chicago
The SciBooNE Neutrino Experiment at Fermilab |
Hide-Kazu Tanaka, Columbia University
CKM Constraints From Dalitz Analyses of B->K pi pi |
Michael Gronau, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Adventures in Exclusive Photons |
Maxim Goncharov, Texas A&M University
First Hints of New Physics in Flavor? |
Enrico Lunghi, Fermilab
Toward a Precise W Mass Measurement at D0 |
Junjie Zhu, SUNY Stony Brook
Higgs Produced With Z's: CDF Tricks of the Trade |
Ben Kilminster, Ohio State University
Ron Lipton, Fermilab
Dilepton and Trilepton Production: Standard Model Sources and Beyond |
Zack Sullivan, Argonne National Laboratory
Hadronic charm decays: an experimental review/Notes from ICHEP |
Peter Onyisi, University of Chicago