Henry J. Frisch


  Physics Research Center, Room 265

  Enrico Fermi Institute

  5640 S. Ellis Ave

 (Shipping Address: 5741 S. Drexel Ave)

  Chicago, IL 60637

  Phone: (773)702-7479; Secy:  (773)702-7480

  [email protected]

| Psec Timing Project | Curriculum Vitae | Selected Talks | Students | Papers | Instrumentation Papers | Of Special Interest | Education Reform | Essays | Photon Review Paper | Work in Progress | Fermilab Schedule | Pictures | Proposals, Miscellaneous Documents, etc. | CDF Candidate Spokesperson Statement | Courses | Links |

Biography and Publications

  1. Curriculum Vitae and Publications

  2. Link to UC Departmental Research Description

Large-Area Pico-second Resolution Time-of-Flight Detector Development

Selected Talks

Air-Transfer High-Volume Production of Large-Area MCP-based Photodetectors
CPAD, Madison Wisc., Dec. 9, 2019 (PDF)

Developing Charged Particle Time-of-Flight at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility Using Commercially Produced LAPPDTM modules;
CPAD, Providence RI, Dec. 10, 2018 (PDF)

Pisa and the Collider Detector at Fermilab; Pisa, Italy, Nov. 11, 2017 (PDF) (PowerPoint)

The Psec/LAPPD program at Chicago; CPAD, Albuquerque NM; Oct. 13, 2017 (PDF) (PowerPoint)

Drifting Photons on Optical Paths, Mirrors, Sub-mm Resolution in Four Dimensions, and Six-Dimensional Phase Space: Exploiting Psec Time Resolution; 5th International Conference on Micro-Patterned Gas Detectors (MPGD2017); Temple Univ., Philadelphia; May 25, 2017 (PDF)

Jim, Hard Scattering, and the Parton Model; in memorial of James Cronin, Univ. of Chicago, Sept. 30, 2016 (PDF)

The History of the LAPPD Collaboration; presented (by M. Wetstein) at the Univ. of Hawaii; July 20, 2015 (PPT) (PDF)

The Development of the Optical Time Projection Chamber, 15-GigaSample/sec Waveform Sampling Electronics, and Second-Generation LAPPD(Trademark) at the University of Chicago; presented (by M. Wetstein) at the Univ. of Hawaii; July 21, 2015 (PPT) (PDF)

The Challenges and Applications of Sub-psec Large-area Detectors; TIPP, Amsterdam NH; June 5, 2014 (PPT) (PDF)

Prospects and Plans for LAPPDs: First Annie Collaboration Meeting; (PPT) (PDF)

Developing Large-Area Psec Photodetectors; 2nd Bejing Meeting; (PDF)

Large-Area Psec Photodetectors: Applications and Development; Colloquium, IIT, April 11, 2013; (PDF) (PPT)

Three Years of LAPPD; DOE Review, Argonne, Dec. 18, 2012; (PDF) (PPT)

Commercialization: For Rocky, Sept. 12, 2012; (PDF)

Andrey's Seal, for Rocky, Sept. 12 2012; (PDF)

Development of Large-Area Psec Photodetectors; SLAC Seminar, June 20, 2012; (PDF) (PPT)

Development of Large-Area Psec Photodetectors; RealTime 2012, Berkeley Cal., June 11, 2012; (PDF) (PPT)

Electronics and System Integration for Large-Area, Pico-Second Photodetectors; SORMA_West, Oakland Ca, May 17, 2012; (PDF) (PPT)

Ultra-fast Timing etc.; Light11, Ringwald Castle, Germany; Oct. 10, 2011 (PDF) (PPT)

ANT11 Neutrino Detector Conference, Phil. NJ; Oct. 10, 2011 (PDF) (PPT)

Uli Baur Memorial: `Uli and Signature-Based Searches With Gauge Bosons At the Tevatron', Sept. 24, 2011 (PDF) (PPT)

EFI Colloquium, May. 2, 2011 (PDF) (PPT)

Talk on LAPPD at the Knowxville IEEE Workshop, Oct.31, 2010 (PDF)

The Large-Area Psec PhotoDetector Project: Argonne Oct 6, 2010 (PPT)

The Large-Area Psec PhotoDetector Project: Argonne Oct 6, 2010 (PDF)

What Does It Take to Start a University-Lab Detector Program?: Fermilab Detector Workshop, Oct 8, 2010 (PPT)

The Development of Large-Area Psec Planar Photo-Detectors and How the US might Regain the Energy Frontier March 20, 2010 (PPT)

The Development of Large-Area Psec Planar Photo-Detectors, Austin TX, March 20, 2010 (PPT)

The Development of Large-Area Psec Planar Photo-Detectors- slides for DOE, March 10, 2010 (PPT)

The Development of Large-Area Psec Planar Photo-Detectors, Austin TX, March 20, 2010 (PPT)

Fermilab Talk for Chris Hill, March 4, 2010 (PPT)

The Large-Area Psec Photo-Detector Collaboration
DOE HEP Site Visit, Argonne; Sept. 23-24, 2009 (PPT)

The Development of Large-Area Psec-Resolution Detectors; HEPD Presentations and Visit,
Argonne; June 6, 2009 (PPT)

Testing the Standard Model; A History and Rationale for Signature-Based Searches;
Pheno09, Madison Wisconsin, May 11, 2009 (PPT)

The Development of Large-Area Psec-Resolution Detectors;
Advanced Photon Source Users Meeting, Argonne; May 6, 2009 (PPT)

LHCb Upgrade- informal hash of slides for an LHCb Upgrade group meeting; April 9, 2009 (PPT)

Goals of the Workshop on Development of Large Area Fast Photo-detectors Feb. 26 , 2009, Argonne National Laboratory (PPT)

Development of Large Area Fast Photo-detectors Feb. 3 , 2009, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (PPT)

Large Area Micro-Pore Photo-detectors Dec 20. , 2008, Argonne National Laboratory (PPT)

Timing in HEP Oct 14, 2008, Lyon France (PPT)

Development of Large-Area Psec TOF, ANL/Fermilab/UC Collaborative Presentations, Jun 26, 2008 (PPT)

Thoughts Invoked By Dr. Atomic Jan 19, 2008 (PPT) (PDF)

Precision Measurements and Signature-Based Searches at the Tevatron, XXXV International Meeting on Fundamental Physics, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; May 28, 2007 (PPT or PDF)
Lecture 1 (PPT) (PDF)
Lecture 2 (PPT) (PDF)
Lecture 3 (PPT) (PDF)

Precision Measurements, Small Crossections, and Non-Standard Signatures- The Learning Curve at a Hadron Collider: Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, Mich May 12, 2007 (PPT) (PDF)

Precision Measurements and Signature-Based Searches at the Tevatron (Physics at the LHC: From Experiment to Theory), Princeton March 21, 2007 (PPT) (PDF)

Pico-second Time of Flight (IBM; March 20, 2007) (PPT) (PDF)

Pico-second Time of Flight (Saclay, France; March 8 and 9) (PPT)

The Ultimate Potential of the Tevatron (Granlibakken, Feb 26, 2007) (PPT)

The Ultimate Potential of the Tevatron (Granlibakken, Feb 26, 2007) (PDF)

For Gordy Kane's 70th Birthday (Jan. 19, 2007) (PPT)

Picosecond Timing: Why Simulation is Essential (Dec. 12, 2006) (PPT)

Picosecond Timing Development: Presentation to the DOE (Sept. 06, 2006) (PPT)

Hard Parton Scattering: for Jim Cronin's 75th Fest (Sept. 9, 2006) (PDF)

Lake Louise Winter Conference Lecture I (Feb 17-23, 2006) (PDF)

Lake Louise Winter Conference Lecture II (PDF) (Feb 17-23, 2006)

Topics At the Tevatron: CDF and D0 at 1.96 TeV, and a Christmas Wish List
(2004 Annual Theory Meeting, Durham UK, Dec. 16, 2004) (PPT)

Visions of Experimental Particle Physics -Where Are We Going?
(Invited Talk, Aspen Winter Conference; Jan. 26, 2003) (Postscript)

Signature Based Searches, High Pt Leptons, Top Physics; Some UC Interests and Contributions (Talk to the NSF, Fermilab; Nov. 19th, 2002) (Postscript)

Making Precision QCD Measurements at Very High Energies
(Talk at Matrix Element Workshop, Oct. 4th, 2002) (Postscript)

Standard Model Backgrounds for the Top Dilepton and W+Jets Analyses (Talk at W+Jets, Dilepton Groups, Oct. 23th, 2002) (Postscript)

Erin Abouzaid's Talk on W/Z Ratio Work (Erin's Talk at W+Jets Meeting, Sept. 30, 2002) (Postscript)

What Could Experiment Tell String Theory? (Talk at EFI Mini-Symposium, Oct. 26th, 2001)

Higgs Searches At the Tevatron (Invited Talk at SUSY2000, CERN, Geneva, Switz. June 27th, 2000)) (Postscript)

Introduction to High Pt Physics at the Tevatron (Two Lectures at the NATO Summer School, Cargese, France, July 1998) (Postscript)

Searches for Supersymmetry at the Tevatron (SUSY98, Oxford England, June 1998)

A New Measurement of the $W$ Mass, (Moriond, Les Arc, France, May 1995)

Recent Results of Searches for New Particles (including top) at Fermilab (Eilat, Red Sea, Israel, May,1994)

What Isn't Anomalous in CDF Run I Top Data, and What Is Anomalous (Brief talk at the Thinkshop on Top Quark Physics for Run II, (Fermilab, Oct. 1998)

Selected Published Papers- Please see my CV above for Psec Instrumentation, Neutrino, and Medical Imaging Papers

  • High precision measurement of the W-boson mass with the CDF II detector
    CDF Collaboration; T Aaltonen et al.
    Submitted to Science
    April 7, 2022

    History and Culture
    Pico-second Timing Instrumentation and Applications

    Signature-Based Searches: High-Pt Photons, Leptons, Missing Et

    The Top Quark

    Above the W and Z poles

    • FORWARD - BACKWARD CHARGE ASYMMETRY OF ELECTRON PAIRS ABOVE THE Z0 POLE. By CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-96-071-E, CDF-PUB-ELECTROWEAK-CDFR-3493, Mar 1996. 8pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.77:2616-2621,1996

    Weak Interactions- Properties of the W and the Z


    Voltage-Controlled Oscillator for Psec Timing Clock with Expected 5 Femtosec Cycle-to-cycle Jitter

    Link to Psec Group Documentation Web Page (Talks, Documents, Workshops, Etc.)

    Talks and Papers: