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Most important papers on this topic:

      Search for the Decay KL -> π0 ν ν , G.Graham et al., Physics Letters B295, 169 (1992)

      Limit on the Branching Ratio of K0L -> π0 ν ν , M. Weaver et al., Physical Review Letters 72, 3758 (1994)

      Search for the Decay KL -> π0 ν ν , J.Adams et al., Physics Letters B 447, 240 (1999)

Papers on experiment E-391a:

      Neutral beam line to study K0L -> π0 ν ν decay at the KEK 12-GeV proton Synchroton, H. Watanabe et al, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 545 (2005) 542-553

      New limit on th K0L -> π0 ν ν decay rate, J.K. Ahn et al., Physical Revue D74, 051005R (2006)

      First Search for K0L -> π0 ν ν , J.Nix et. al., Physical Revue D76(1) 11101R (2007)

      Search for the Decay K0L -> π0 ν ν , J. K. Ahn et al., Physical Review Letters 100, 201802 (2008)

      Search for light pseudoscaler sgoldstino in the decay K0L -> π0 ν ν , X, Y.C. Tung et al., Physical Review Letters 102, 051802 (2009)

      Blind background prediction using a bifurcated analysis scheme, J.Nix, J.Ma, G.N. Perdue, and Y. W. Wah, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 615 (2010), pp.223-229

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Last update: August 2012
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