Specifications(Version 0.99) as supplied for summer '00 test beam.
Results from CERN test of Nov. '00
Response to fixed CIS signal for 48 channels (high gain). Three channels from one digitizer Tile DMU chip have a
large pedestal and three channels are unused. The labeling of two unused channels is shifted by one because of
a minor firmware problem.
System noise for 48 channels. The "high frequency noise" corresponds to the RMS of the 9 pedestal samples within
an event. The "low frequency noise" corresponds to the pedestal variation from event to event.
Radiation requirements
Simulated radiation levels over 10 years at z=150 cm, as of 11/18/00
Total ionizing dose 0.23 Gy (0.023 Krad)
Non-ionizing radiation 1.5 x 1010 1-MeV-equiv-neutrons/cm2