UChicago High Energy Physics

Particle Physics Lunch Seminars

Information for the seminar speaker
Mailing list for lunch announcements

2019 - 2020

Organized by: Henry Frisch, David Miller

The Particle Physics Lunch Seminars are more of an informal discussion than a formal seminar. The organizers try to bring an interesting speaker each week. However, even if there is no set speaker, everyone should still attend for an informal discussion amongst themselves. For this reason, the name of the speaker and the subject for discussion will not be posted until after lunch.

Oct 14PRC 3rd FloorKOTO Experiment
Yu-Chen Tung, UChicago
Oct 7PRC 3rd FloorAn Introduction to the Physics Behind the Carillon (pptx)
João F. Shida, UChicago
Oct 21PRC 3rd FloorLorentz Covariant Neural Networks for Particle Physics
Jan Offermann and Alex Bogatskii, UChicago
Oct 28PRC 3rd FloorgFEX Efficiency Studies and OS Development
Emily Smith, UChicago
Nov 4PRC 3rd FloorHow to measure the Higgs coupling to the strange quark
Matthias Schaffer, UChicago
Nov 18PRC 3rd FloorTony LaTorre, UChicago
Dec 2PRC 3rd FloorWenhan Chiu, UChicago
Jan 27PRC 215Kelby Anderson, UChicago
Feb 10PRC 215Kristin Dona, UChicago
Mar 2PRC 215Supernova Relic Neutrino Searches in the Present and Future Kamioka Experiments
Yosuke Ashide, Kyoto University
Mar 9PRC 215Isotope Effect Detection of Dark Matter
Elina Fuchs, UChicago

Previous Seminars

2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

Particle Physics +1 773 702 8113 | Fax: +1 773 702 8038
Mailing Address: 5640 S Ellis Ave, Chicago IL 60637
MCP Building Address: 933 East 56th Street, Chicago IL 60637